As I dunno what to do now...Lets discuss the top ten idol dramas I've ever watched..! ( Im a idol drama freaks! )hahaa..
Hmm...As I was a taiwanese idol drama freaks, Here's the top ten (Randomly) taiwanese idol dramas I'd recommend you to watch!
1. Autumn Concerto (下一站幸福)

Yeappp...This is one of the "Booming Idol Dramas " since mid october last year...Starring Vannes Wu ( personels of F4 ) and Ady An..This dramas contain a total of 20 episodes...As you can see from the poster..It was a sad drama...a very sad I think as I almost cried on each episodes...I do love the quotes from the poster..." 原来。。爱情从来没有离开过。。只是我记得。。你忘了。。" ( Actually, Love has never left before..It's just I remember,You forget ) Vanness and Ady An plays their role perfectly..and the appearance of their child in the dramas really makes the audience love this dramas completely!
Ratings : 10/10
2. Fated To Love You (命中注定我爱你)
For Drama Lovers, I think ya all watched this dramas! yess..It's the highest ratings dramas in taiwan...Beats Autumn Concerto as well...Starring Joe Chen and Ethan Ruan...I like the coupling actually..This is totally a complete drama..tells us how a simple girl met with a guy, ended up pregnant, get married ( unwillingly ), Miscarriage her baby, and so on..I love the plot so much! and I believe none of you will think that this is a lame drama after u watch it!
Ratings : 10/10
3. Miss No Good (不良笑花)
Starring Rainie Yang and Wilber Pan...kinda weird coupling as Rainie herself also said that..hahaa...This is a romantic drama with a great sense of humuor! When I first started watching this, I felt so irritated of how Rainie talks..but later on, I found it so funny and Im addicted to it...Lol..Wilber damn handsome with his style!Love him!
Ratings : 9/10
4. Brown Sugar Chivalries (黑糖群俠傳)
Shocked with the poster?Lol...Yeapp..For most people,this drama was unlikely being the top ten idol dramas..But what could I say? I love Lollipop so much!!hahahhh...Starring Lollipop and Hey Girl..genre martial arts and romance! I dun like martial arts at, I just watch the part without martial arts!hahaaa...actually you should take a look at the martial arts ! Its so cool!
Ratings : 7/10
5. Smiling Pasta (微笑 Pasta)
There comes for Smiling Pasta...Starring Cindy Wang and Nicholas Teo...I knew Nicholas was such a great singer..but I never know he could be an actor as well...Just like the title " Smiling Pasta "..This drama makes us smile as we could see love around..This is a totally romantic drama starting from a girl being mistaken as the girlfriend of a famous singer and how her life changed after that...I love this drama so so much!
Ratings : 9.5/10
6. The Outsiders ( 鬥魚 )
The Outsiders..Starring Dylan Guo and Ady An..Such a long 2004 I think..But this drama is good! I remember that I borrowed the VCD's ( There's not much DVD's that time!Lol ) from a friend of mine with no subtitles! ( As I dont understand mandarin that time ) I insisted to watch it as I heard all of my friends said this drama was so good...and Its all worth it! The drama tells how hard triad-life was...and the male lead ended up joining triads in order to protect the female lead...Should watch!
Ratings : 9/10
7. Prince who turns into a frog (王子變青蛙)

There it is...The Legend of Taiwanese Drama before ratings was beaten by Fated to love you and Autumn Concerto..Starring Joe Chen and Ming Dao.( Dramas that Joe Chen acts in always get such high ratings if you realised! ). Nothing I could say except...A Must Watch Drama!
Ratings : 10/10
8. Ying Ye 3 Jia 1 (樱野3加1)
Ying Ye 3+1..Starring Joe Chen and Ming Dao (again)...Story of Friendship, Love, Revenge..I love how Ming Dao acts in this drama..being cool, gentle and a bit mysterious..Lol..But too bad, after all romance part, I found this drama too much pressure for us to watch!hahahh..well..which means I do love the first 7-8 episodes and ended up stressing for the rest part of the drama..Lol..
Ratings : 6/10
9. MVP Valentine ( MVP 情人 )
Story of a Basketball player..From unknown to the champion..Great! Starring Tony Sun, Johny Yan and Angela Chang...Watching this drama makes me love basketball so much in means that I love watching basketball match and not playing basketball..hahaaa...This is also dramas with such a great soundtrack!we can found soundtrack from BOA as well..
Ratings : 9.5/10
10. Brown Sugar Macchiato ( 黑糖瑪奇朵 )
Yeapp..Im being bias again! hahahhh..This drama starred Lollipop and Hei Se Hui Mei Mei..This is a romantic and funny drama..I still remember how I was so sad back then...till I decided to try watching this drama..and it all worth it because it was so funny and a bit unrealistic..but this drama surely makes you laugh till drop...Do you feel stress lately? Watch This!
Ratings : 7/10
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