Im wishing for a great year ahead ! Though idk whether things will be getting better, Im still hoping that this year will be a better year.. after my two " crazy years ".Lol..
Ive always think that 2010 has been the fastest year in my life. in just blink of eye, 2010 has ended almost an hour ago ! Thats so fast. I still cant imagined how I've passed this last 12 months.
-My life full of loads of works (and loads of probs as well).. Ive worked for one year and three months! and last Tuesday i just got my salary and yearly bonus, etc.Lol
-My life with friends around since July. Vit has BFG and Vin often back here as he need to extend his visit pass. That time has been great ! and i love it so when they're around !
-My life with my loyal probs around. probs with friends, works, and maybe myself. ( as I haven't reconcile with myself )
2010 has been good...Thanks for all the great memories,laughter, joy, happiness, sadness, pain and tears =)
New Life... New Resolutions...
What will happen this year? still curios! Im still hoping for the best to happen..
Waiting for a new career, new life and new love ! Lol.. (cant consider a new love as i haven't been in love for such a long time) so lets find a new love! hahaaaa..
- start looking for jobs in other banks next months..looking for a better career..hope I got it !
-Be less Emo... I need that so much =p
-Ego? A big NO NO !! should get rid of this things as it almost ruined everything !
-Be stronger...and have the guts to look at the reality in front !
-Let the past be the past..and i wont be bother by that anymore ! (Hope its easy!)
Im wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2011 ! Lets pray for ourselves and make this a better year =)
Friday, 31 December 2010
Happy New Year Everyone !
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 09:18 0 comments
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Finally you realised that ive changed. to someone you dont even recognised. isnt it? You took your way.and keep distances between us.. i know you want to protect yourself. and so do i. but why i cant accept this reality? that we are distances apart while in fact we are close. There's a wall in front. that keep us apart. i dislike this kind of feeling. the fact that we are like strangers to each other. why? i just want us to be friends. and best friends if possible. just that. even best friends seems impossible, i just want to break that wall. i want us to be the one we used to be. without those wall parting us and make things so strange around. what should i do?
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:05 0 comments
Monday, 27 December 2010
First day...
Woke up at around 8am, found out my car was stolen by my uncle. Im so mad that time.then i called him and he brought it back to me (Luckily). at around 10am, Im ready to picked Vin. after him, we're looking for a mat for our bbq that night. then we finally went to Lotte Mart (its so far, isnt it?), after there we went to picked Vit..then we went to Macan Yaohan, bought some bbq thingy, then picked my driver and after that we went for lunch at KFC. after lunch, we picked Lice and Jef then we're ready to go ! Arrived at around 6pm.. We figured out that the door keys were unable to open the doors. my driver and Vit tried to broke them and we finally entered the villa at around 7pm. got ourselves relaxed for a while when Vin, Vit and my driver still so busy with the doors. Me, Lice and Jef talked about so many things. Jef was a very extrovert person as he can talked about lots of things. till Vin shocked of what we discussed! LOL.
After dinner, we back to Villa. We chatted a lot. laughing out louds and i feels like the whole streets were full of our voices. we're 5.but when we laughed, its like 10 person in that villa =)
We're ready for bbq at 12pm. got the things ready and the bbq started at 1am. Vin and Vit were ones who were responsibles for the bbqs, when Jef was so busy with his cameras and took photos around. Me and Lice? just sit on the mat and laughing at that two guys. saying that they looked so suitable to do that job! The bbqs things look so delicious (believe it or not). the two guys were awesome as they knew how to make the sauce! hehee... Our BBQs ended at around 4am.
Second day....
Woke up at at around 8 plus. went out of my room when i also met jef out from his room as well. we found out that there's quite noisy downstairs. then i found out that my driver was talking to a stranger. that guy was looking for the owner of the villa. Then he talked to Vit, saying bout some villa thingy.we sat at the living room and chatted again. at 10plus, we took our bath and after that we all gathered in my rooms. I put on my make ups and do my hairs when they do their hairs as well. i also helped them with hairs. do some babyliss things! Lol.. we laughed alot at what i did with Vit's hair. hahahaaa.. I love that moments. its quiet rare when we can gathered and do these kind of thingss...We're ready for lunch at 12pm. during our lunch, Jef took lots of my candid photos and guessed what? I loved them so much! Its so natural..
After lunch, we went to temple and the new things called Taman Lumbini. The Taman Lumbini was awesome. but there're not too many things there. just go once and Its enough! we back to Villa and took some sleep. woke up at 6pm, continue with lots of stories from Jef and Vin. took our dinner at 8pm plus. after dinner, back to villa again, doing our Endless stories chatting, laughing out loud again. our neighbors were around 10 person plus, but our laughed really feels like there're 20 persons of us that night. we started our supper with french fries, sausages, and chic wings. found our we're out of gas for cooking. we out from villa and look for gas at around 12am. . our supper started at 1am. supper with full of snacks and beers.. the stories that Vit shared really left us laughed with tears. lol
Last day....
Woke up at 9am. and also gathered in my room doing their hairs. we ate our lunch and back to medan at 1pm. arrived at 3pm. all of us really dont feels like going home at all. we ended up go jcoing till 6pm.
This time holiday was fun.. with lots of unexpected probs and endless stories. the stories really make me laughed with tears so many times. and that bbq things, really eat till drop!
Love this xmas holiday. Its Fun as Jef also said that.. we planned to go again. but still looking for a perfect time =)
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 06:09 0 comments
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
rich guys poor hearts
Ever met such a rich guys but never willing to give out their money? I met these kinds in my family.okay. im not talking bad bout my family.but that's it. dun get why they can be so stingy to others. its my uncle. guessed wat. my grandma's join their trip to china. but he dint even willing to sponsor my grandma. he said that my grandma should asked her daughter to sponsor her and not him. GODD!! u know it so well that my mom and aunts were widows.and mom still has 2 kids to raised. where's your brain huh?i know my mom was willing to sponsor a bit. but as wat i thought, the one who should sponsor was him! as he was the richest here. He even bought a flat in Brisbane for her daughter and asked her daughter to stop working and enjoy life as he could give out all his money for his childs happiness. then you are not willing to give out some for your mother??? i really dunno what you've been thinking! you are super nonsense..and my mom and aunts kinda hate him. as he dint even know how to be the eldest in this family.
My cousin was back for holiday till march next year. and know what?he said that he has no cars to drive here. then my grandma lend him hers.the super irrational thing was. they have four cars. one for my uncle,one for my aunt, another for his brother and the last one he can drive right? and still..he insist to drive grandma's. i was pissed like hell as that means i don't have any car to drive for the next three months.and my cousin even told me to go office my bus.damn it! i really dunno how rich guys have been thinking. they have been out of their minds. that pissed me off so much!
My aunt told my grandma to asked her car back but still they said that they have no cars to drive.hell!! i hate it so much! rich guys never have enough.they have theirs but still need others. Damn it!!
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 06:05 0 comments
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Im back from fast, isnt it? It was quite fun as my sisters always made me laugh along our holidayyy..hmmm...I ate alot actually.hahaaa..and feels like ive putting some weight again and again!! huhhhh!! how to put these fat away!
and this is my third times going to USs! quite bored as i know every single side of the USs ady!what can i say? Im just like a tour leader recently. taking my friends and sisters to the USs! Ouhhhh...I ate Chiliss as was tasty!!hahaaa...
And Im back now..i still remember that ive promised to be so fine when im back. well..lets start anew by today.back to those times in life that i should stand by myself. okay. after these trip..i realised that maybe i can only trust and depend on myself. too much interactions with others just ended up hurting myself.and that kind of feeling was like hell. there's no one i could trust again.Im not that strong that i seems to be. I can laughed out loud in front of others. just to make them happy and make me seems happy. but no one knows how i felt inside. sad huh? i dun wan to be emo again. but how come this hurt never leave me?
Sometimes,i really dunno whether im the one who were nonsense or im the one who were rational. or im gone insane ady? dunno. i dont wish to have any hurting things again. i wanna find back the old me. the strong me that never scared of evrytg that's gonna happen. being me is not easy at all. i need to be much more understanding to be considerate to those who were irrational. yeaa..that's what im gonna do now. be lot more considerate and continue to be the one who sacrifice.till infinite time..
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:02 0 comments
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Im leaving for sg sudden right? yeap. That's what i want right now.disappearing for a while..This time trip. 4 days.and I'll be back by Tuesday. No one knows about my leaving. I kept it as a secret..No one will know bout it.cause it's a very short trip.isn't it?
Im feeling so bad recently. Those probs ruined my mood for the past two weeks. i know im nonsense at all.and childish.that i leave just because of these.but the real things is. I just decided to go by today.with my two sisters.we've planned to go yesterday but as my passport was still in process, so we still not sure to go.
I texted you before.telling you that i felt so sorry for it.You said sorry for the second time.and as i read you text, Im feeling so good like hell. i just know i cant lose my friends anymore.for every nonsense things that i done.
Im fine now actually.after all things cleared, I'm feeling so well. I know you dont like those misunderstanding between us.but what could i say? i dun feel good bout it as well. You asked me to forget all these things. Yes..I know that's the best thing for us..But i still need to leave for a while. to clear up my mind.and I'll be back on Tuesday. and I'll be so fine by then.I promise!
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:18 0 comments
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Ive never know it hurt this much.maybe i need my time alone. to cleared up my mind.but where should i go?there's nowhere i could goo..T-T
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 06:34 0 comments
another misunderstanding
After days of confusion, I finally got the time to speak up my mind. I knew my statement made you shocked.You dint say anything.Its just me who said all those things that i felt so uncomfortable with. You dint even said a word. I thought you're angry with me.angry of how childish I was.You texted me when you got home.You said sorry for what has happened.You know what I feel that time?I feels like crying out loud..There're too many misunderstanding between us. As what I said, I was tired. and I know you're tired of me as well.tired of how sensitive and childish i was.
As I see the truth, I knew I was wrong all the time. I'll fixed it. I dont want to be selfish anymore.You got the right to choose with whom you are more comfortable with. I dont want to be such a very childish friend for you. I know you've tried to understand me.but all I gave you was nothing except being selfish. I just realize Im that bad.. Im way too afraid that i'd back to those lonely times.but as i thought back, I realise that I'm just lonely all the time.and nothing could help with that.
Ive never been good as a friend.Im not understanding at all. Im not supposed to let you become such a bad person for others. Its just me who're bad.not you.blame me for things that happened. you dont even need to say sorry to me.cause Im the one who wrong. Sorry for all those selfish things Ive ever done. Ive hurt so many peoples in my life. I dun wanna do it anymore. Maybe its time for me to go back to my lonely times.Its good that there's only that I'll never hurt anyone again.
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 04:58 0 comments
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Looking for something in my shelves then suddenly something just dropped out from it.guess what? your letter. the letter that you gave me years ago. i read it back. i smiled. we've been thinking that life's just that simple. even there's lots of storm in front. we feels like it doesnt matter as long as we were together. i read our promises.and all those advices stuff you gave me. feels like im reading a kind of simple love letter. that really means a lot to me that time. even its not a real love letter.but i know your feeling. but i never know mine.
This letter tells everything. our secrets and untold stories were all there. does it mean something to you now? after so many years we are apart? For me, it does mean something as you have ever been a part in my important important friend for me.
After so many years, do you still remember our stories? or even this letter you gave me? i nearly forget i always try to buried all those stuffs.cause i keep on thinking that i should forget them and start a new life.forget our stories.those things you gave me, sorry.i really lost them and i dont even remember them. so sorry for it. but i think its better if we start what we do now. a friend.
You and I know it best how to act like we have forget what has happened between us. those sweet you still remember?cause you were way too good at acting just like me.that i dont even know whether you still remember or you have letting go.
I read it back.I smiled and even laughed of how childish we were that time. life's just not that now.we've go your own ways and so do I. thanks for being a very good friend of mine.just like what you wrote in your letter. "I've never find a very good friend like you". I felt it as well. your warmth and all those things you've done for me, i'll nvr forget.Thanks for everything.may you have your brand new life and find happiness asap.and pray for me as well.
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 08:21 0 comments
Friday, 26 November 2010
Its been three days.and what you've done still influenced me so much..I'm sad..being workaholic these days just help till the time i went home. i slept early to forget this hurt that comes every time i think of what you've done.have you ever been logical? NO! you've been so illogical that time.and that hurts me.
If you have the right to choose, will you choose us? from the way you talked and treat them has shown who you are and with whom you are more comfortable with. sometimes i thought, who were you actually? you are not the one i used to know. i understand that you are so difficult in this are neutral.but you know what? you just cant be neutral just way too uncomfortable if you are neutral. i cant be myself.
I just smiled and laughed like Im so happy that time. is it the truth? nope. what you've done and what you said has hurt me soo. and i just pretend to smile.looking fine so that nobody knows my feeling. i dont want everybody to be uneasy with that situation. its okay. i can faced it what i used to do.
You think Im that big-hearted?no..cause you never give me the reasons behind what you've done. you never try to explained what has happened and you just pretend everything's fine.why? why were you always like this? i'm tired with lots of misunderstanding around us.with you always never even try to explained the real things behind. the truth.I dont want to be like this anymore.i've ever said that i'll be definitely tired someday.and yes. im definitely tired now. and i've given up on a friend like you.
From that time, i think i know what i should be doing.just stay as common friends.i'll nvr treat a person who ever hurt me as close or even best's just no place for you anymore. you're way too harsh by your acts.
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 18:06 0 comments
Friday, 19 November 2010
Giving without receiving
Hey, i always think that everything in life must go by both sides.we couldnt just give without receiving any returns.Thats what i thought..but too bad.seems like all im doing is giving.and im not receiving anything.either in friendship or anythings in life.kinda sad as im the only one who sacrifice things, giving things,passion, and worked so hard for this friendship..and what i received?none!
Im not expecting any returns. i just hope things can flow by both sides.without me always be the one who sacrifice things for others happiness.always make people laugh,forget their sadness,Im giving all these.and who cares when Im sad? no one..its good that im used to it.
But all things cant go this way.Im tired.extremely tired.and im nearly give up on these.Whats the point of giving so much passions, sacrifice all my important things just for them if they dont even care or doing the same things as i do? Im just asking for understanding.things cant go just by me.who always be the one active.
There's no point to care bout others who dont even care bout me.kinda regret all those sacrifying things ive done.
Maybe from now on, i should live for myself.think for myself and not for others..
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 18:22 0 comments
Monday, 8 November 2010
Married? do you feel when one of your friends is getting married soon?
That's what happened to me.I was shocked! till i told her that April fool's day has gone so many months ago! Lol..
Yeahh..she's getting married soon..when I'm still single...
Is it me that enjoy my single life too much when I should have find someone for life? or is it her that get married too fast? Idk..but I was too shocked when she told me that she has already book the reception place and decided the wedding date since some months ago..Lol..
Anyway,Wish u all the best for your upcoming married life, friends!
Ive never thought that you'll get married that fast...(Since you said you wouldnt) =)
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:00 0 comments
between real and unreal..
Your existence give lots of meanings to my life..
What I gotta do?
Cant get you out of my mind...
Ive tried to tell myself that I've been thinking too much..
and maybe memories between us just come out so sudden..
That makes me kinda miss that time..
When we shared things together..
When I felt that you are the most comfortable person for me to rely on..
But now things have changed..
You and I were not the one we used to be..
And maybe its only me who still carry on our memories..
You have moved on..
But its getting hard on me...
I miss you in my life..
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 04:48 0 comments
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
My best buddies, Make it last forever..!!
I've back from holiday last week...Hmm..Its an awesome holiday!really..we ate a lot, shop a lot, and talked a lottt!!Lol..Those days when I was with them was awesome..for real...I love those two guys..Vin n Di...who have been my best buddies for the past six years...We chatted about lots of things...and on the forth night, we ( Me, Di, Vin n Lice ) chatted at TCC till 2am..!!we always spent our time thoughtfully..for where we're going, what to eat, shop, etc..Hey Its Singapore, u know? its Our Food and Shop Paradise!!
We ate our lifetime-favourite xiaolongbao from Imperial, my super favourite Fish n Co, and so on..We shopped together the last day..when Hadi has free ady since his father has back to Medan on our third day..He shop quite a lot..and one thing i realised when i shopped with them...we picked things quickly, got it tried, and paid the bill in less than 10 love the way we shop.we dint waste our time by think about it over and over again..that was a waste of time! Its holiday! just buy what u want when it fits, and the price was affordable!
On the last day we hang out together, i feels like crying when i said goodbye to Di and Vin..5 days seems so fast as Hadi just joined us on the third day. We surely feels like getting back to our uni life in sg...Its been 3 years since the last time we were in Vin also said that he felt so sad when I'm back to Medan and Hadi back to US..Last year mood back again..when we were in Vin's car...but this was way better than last year...ughh...saying goodbye to them means the time we should go back to reality...Me, struggling with loads of works and a super strange boss, Vin, with all his job applications, and Hadi, struggling with his final year uni...
Then Im here my lonely rooms..with my lovely laptop, iphone , and songs accompany my life.Im so tired of going out since I back from sg..dunno why..Im just way too addicted to Kdramas till i dun feels like going out at all.I want to be at home till infinite time..maybe till the time Im bored with these dramas and I got the strength to walk out from home (Except for work).
Am I feeling better?YES...dunno why..i dun feel like going insane since Im back from sg as I've promised myself and them..that I'll live my life with joy. and I believe things will be getting better and better..
Thanks for everything, Vin and Di...
You two surely took such a big part in my life..
Our Friendship...Make it last forever...=)
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 06:59 0 comments
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Holiday, Pals!
Hey..Its holiday! I got 5 days to spend this year due to the Islamic New Year..Did you know how I spent it? Ive been at home for these two days..which means, I havent stepped out from home and see the world for two days..I spent this holiday by watching lots of dramas..Starting from Vampire Diaries, Calling Big Star, to Still Want To Marry..I watched them all..and when I felt tired of it, I started to watch movies...and till know Ive watched I Love You Beth Cooper and The Bounty Hunter...I watched all these from morning to morning...from 10am to 3 or 4am..See?Im so dying for dramas..till my mom was kinda scared of me...for not going out for two days..Its miracle for her! LOL..cause I used to go out with friends till late on weekends and we really have such a rare time to talk on weekends..:)
But not all of them were on vacations overseas...I was the only one that left here..hahahhh..Its okay...Im used to it..and Im gonna have my holidays, just stick with these dramas...Happy Holiday People!
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 08:27 0 comments
Saturday, 4 September 2010
I got my holiday on 23rd September this month! I bought return tickets to SG at 2am last saturday..Crazy..isnt it? Its all happened because of my bestfriends..Vin and Adut..that always convince me to go SG that date...since Vin has back couple days ago..and Adut will transit there at 23rd till 28th, Its a good reasons for us to gather there..flashbacking our DE times! Miss it sooo..
Actually I've planned to go there at that time as well..But still not sure bout the tickets price and all those leaving permission things..till that night, Vin and adut always told me how fun it will be if we gather there! Goshhh..Im really tempted! and I bought the tickets that night! the tickets quite cheap luckily..heheee...Lice was tempted as well and she joined the trip! I got my leave permission from my office by yesterday and here it is..we'll gather in SG! the fifth of us...Me Lice Vin Adut and Mike..Vit's not coming cause he just back from KL and are now on the trip to China with his family..Lol..
Im dying for the trip..Its SG ! my heaven life is there! and this time, I have all bestfriends when I'm there! how can I be not excited? I love it!
Have told Vin to buy USS tickets first..cause I dun wanna take the risk of not getting any USS tickets on that day..its better to buy in advance right?ughhh...Im dying for all things in USS..the shops, views and gonna be in about two weeks..and I gotta make lots of list for this trip! We gonna do our culinary hobbies, shops, and take picts around..Its gonna be the most exciting holiday ever !
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 08:16 0 comments
Thanks for the courage and strength you gave me..
Have you ever believe that Friends can give you so much strength and courage when they told you " Everything will be fine " ? I do believe it..and Im feeling so much better now..even my friends not here anymore...Some of them went overseas..for holiday..and Vin has back to sg...looking for a job there..after his nearly 2 months so-called-holiday here..
Im happy with them around..kinda miss them now..huhuuu..but its fine..cause I know even a year or more will never be enough for us...We used to hang out every friday and Saturday ( Okay, we're not asking the rest. just the four of us ) Sometimes we have our breakfast together on Sunday and continue to Matador for coffee till afternoon..I enjoyed it so..and Im feeling so well when they were here...Like no matter what happened and what problems Im facing, I feels like nothing to be scared anymore..funny huh?but its true..and they give me lots of courage and happiness..I do passed all my days by laughter and joy..just by thinking of how funny we are..with those jokes and laughter around...
They said things changed like time changed...Its true..There's so much things changed here..the one who I used to know better than anyone else, turned out to be a stranger to me..and maybe she's feeling the same way...That's my fault..I started all these..Im becoming so crazy that I ruined all things I regret? YES!! I regret all the things I've ever done to them..that maybe has hurt them so much..Sorry for everything..I dint mean it..Its just my fault..I was under lots of pressure that time..and I nid more time alone..thinking bout the next step of my life..while trying to cope with my life here...Im not talking bout the reasons why I've been lots of stress till now..Only Vin knows it..cause I dunno how to tell them..and also dun want to burden them with my problems and all these unrealistic things...I just nid to be alone..and I thot that's the best thing for me..but I neva know that I'll lost lots of my friends because of these...
Maybe that's why I've been feeling so much better when I have my cousin around..and some friends that choose to make me laugh instead of asking me what has happened and why I've been in lots of pressure.Its a personal problems..Im the one who wrong..that make me lost everything..till that day come..when I asked myself.."Do I still have the chance to fix everything? If yes, How?"
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 07:35 0 comments
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Love it when you are around...
This is the first time for the past one year that I feel happiness around...Know what? Coz I have my best friends with me...That means more than enough..With them around, I nearly forget bout my sadness, all those stressing things...just smile..laugh and feel happy..with them beside me..
July 31st...
We hang out again..the four of us...Vin picked me up at 15.00..I've bought tickets for "Salt" showing at 16.50..I texted Vin before as I knew he will be late..He dint reply..till i heard my sister called me from downstairs..telling me that Vin has arrived...Then I asked him why he dint replied..he said that he knew he was late and afraid that I would scold him..LOL..Then after Lice, we went to Sun...and as we dont know what to eat that day, we decided to go for Pizza...hehehhh...after PIzza we go for the movie...Yeapp..the movie was cool...Love Jolie there...She's so pretty!! We out from cinema at almost 7...went to eat sour sally as Vin never try it before..Then we headed to Jittlada...The greenteas was great! much more tastier than Starbucks one! Lol..We did chatt about lots of things, took lots of picts as well..from jittlada we went to Starbucks...tooks photos againn...( my camera always stand by in my bag now ) :)
Back home at almost 23.30..
August 6th....
We have agreed to hang out that day.Vit was the one that was still uncertain...Coz Vin's car was used by her sister, we all depends on Vit..hahahhh...he dint give any certainty till 5.30pm...our text ends up with no reply..and nobody answered our calls..See? he's such a great person..for letting me waiting at an idiot!! Firstly, Ive told Vin to give me a certain answer whether or not we're going out that day..and I'll wait them at Sun...Then, when I decided to call my mom to picked me up, there comes a call from him...and as expected, I scold him like crazy! But his answer was just a huge laugh!!Lol..he said he was ready to picked Vin..Then I wait again..till they come and we decided to have our dinner at "Dome"...I still remember how Lice called Vin and ask him where we were by now ( as She's coming late )...and I heard Vin said " Belom..Belom..Belom"..I took it as a joke by saying to Vit that he's got an indonesian lady while suddenly Lice came in and said that she was the one who called just now..and Vin was saying " Dome..Dome..Dome instead of Belom..Belom..Belom" hahahaaa...We all laughed like crazy..also..the "Bu Vincent" tragedy was unforgettable! after dinner, we really confused bout the place we gonna go..then Vit requested to go for singing at K2...(Hellow..Its 21.00pm ! But its okay..;p)We then headed to K2...and guessed what the funniest thing we found there? the waiter..asked whether we were on a double date by specifically saying that I'm with Vin and Vit with Lice...We're soo shocked! The three of us ( as Vit was on toilet that time )..The waiter said that nicely and with such a big smile...after the waiter gone, three of us laughed like crazy till I was like bursting into tears..wakakaaa...Then goes the karaoke thingy..we like duet songs..but the boys was too likely change the lyrics..from a romantic song into such a weird songs..hahahaaa....the waiter come in serve the drinks we ordered..then she looked at Vit and asked why he dint sit with Lice (Vit, Vin, Me, Lice)..We laughed!but Vit answer was too unbelievable...he said to the waiter that he's not in good terms with lice..they're arguing and dont feels like talking to each other..another LOL!!! and after that, whenever that waiter coming in, she always asked whether they're already in good terms with each other...Vin n I tried to make things more funnier by saying " We're trying to help!" LOL...the karaoke thingy that last for two hours seems so fast for us..but Its 23.30!!Vit feels like plusing the time but too late, we've paid the bill..we finally went back..and I reached home at 00.00am!!
Im happy..really long as I have these friends around...
You're taking such a big role in my life, friends...
I wish our friendship and happiness we shared last forever..
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:39 0 comments
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Day with "The Best of The Best"
Well...I couldnt believe its been a year since the last time I hang out with my best friends...yeapp..I still remember clearly how we feels like crying in Vin's car on the last day we hang out together...before Di back to US few days later..It's been a year...Time passed so fast..
Last week I was lying on my bed cause Im deadly sick when suddenly Vit called me..I didnt answer as I think its not important at all..he then left a message to my sister and insisted me to call back when i woke up..I called him an hour later..He asked me to go out...I said I was sick..Suddenly there's another person talking to me on phone..I thought he was Hen but in less than 5 secs, I screamed like crazy when I feels like his voice was so familiar to me...He's Vin!He's back!!Im dead happy...!!!He firstly thought of giving me a surprise by asking Vit to go out with me and he showed up at the place we met..but too bad...His voice was just too familiar to me...Lol..
Then two days ago we hang out (Finally) after my office hours..The three of us...Vin, Vit and Me..We had our dinner at Trattoria..Then we picked up Lice at 7 plus..We headed to Sun and had our supper there at Mr. Pancake...It was fun! Lol...
Todayy...We hang out again..The four of us...Vin picked me up at 2 plus (He's late actually)..We then went to Sun..had our lunch at Nelayan and we watched " Inception " after that...The movie was cool but a bit difficult to understand..We then had our dinner at Bakerzin ( What a romantic place ) ! we sat on the balcony..We talked about so much things and time passed really fast till we realised that it's 10pm plus...
I love it when I have my best friend around..seems like I got nothing to worry and everything seems to be so fine.I could live this life really well with them by my side..Im deadly need them...And Im so glad if I could live my life like this..Forever...
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 09:46 0 comments
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Idol dramas?Watch This!
As I dunno what to do now...Lets discuss the top ten idol dramas I've ever watched..! ( Im a idol drama freaks! )hahaa..
Hmm...As I was a taiwanese idol drama freaks, Here's the top ten (Randomly) taiwanese idol dramas I'd recommend you to watch!
1. Autumn Concerto (下一站幸福)
Ratings : 10/10
2. Fated To Love You (命中注定我爱你)

For Drama Lovers, I think ya all watched this dramas! yess..It's the highest ratings dramas in taiwan...Beats Autumn Concerto as well...Starring Joe Chen and Ethan Ruan...I like the coupling actually..This is totally a complete drama..tells us how a simple girl met with a guy, ended up pregnant, get married ( unwillingly ), Miscarriage her baby, and so on..I love the plot so much! and I believe none of you will think that this is a lame drama after u watch it!
Ratings : 10/10
3. Miss No Good (不良笑花)

Ratings : 9/10
4. Brown Sugar Chivalries (黑糖群俠傳)

Ratings : 7/10
5. Smiling Pasta (微笑 Pasta)

Ratings : 9.5/10
6. The Outsiders ( 鬥魚 )

Ratings : 9/10
7. Prince who turns into a frog (王子變青蛙)

Ratings : 10/10
8. Ying Ye 3 Jia 1 (樱野3加1)

Ratings : 6/10
9. MVP Valentine ( MVP 情人 )

Ratings : 9.5/10
10. Brown Sugar Macchiato ( 黑糖瑪奇朵 )

Ratings : 7/10
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 08:40 0 comments
Lonely Saturday...
Blogging again....I just realised I always update my blog on either saturday or sunday..hahaa...thats the consequences for being a lonely person..who dunno where to go and with whom I should go...
Well...I used to go out with John,Jef and Luvi...But now..after jef is on the track on chasing over a girl, I find it kinda weird for me to go out with them...the five of what I mean?Feels like an idiot going out with two couples..haha...I know it's just my thought..they're not feeling that way i guess..cause they always ask me to go out with them almost every saturday night...yeapp..I just feel uneasy when that girl was sticking with me while jef walk behind...( I should give jeff more chances...haha..)thats why..Im considering not too often to go out with them...and which means...I may lose some friends again!huhhhh...that's the consequences for being single...just depends on friends to go out..or family..and if they're busy...I just stay at home..doing nothing...and find this city so small and boring!
And this is what happened today...after two days lying on bed ( cause Im sick! )..I went out with mom and sisters...just go to Ace and dinner..after that we went home at 8pm+...I was too likely waiting a call from a friend...whoever they are...asking me to go out..for a cup of starbucks or whatever...I just want to spend this saturday night like anyone else..sitting in starbucks till late...gossiping or laughing out loud..That's what I want..just that...simple right?But no calls coming in...and I could just desperately coming home...with my mind full of things that I could possibly do at home..and yess...its nothing!damn..!!
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 07:51 0 comments
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Today's my grandma's birthday..we all families celebrate it together at taipan..yes, its the biggest birthday party we've ever had...with two VIP cousin's bf was there as well....I dint talk much with him but from the first time I knew him couple years ago, I realised he's a good guy..with a good family background of course...
When I looked at my cousins and the happy faces of my families...I realised that he is the one that they are looking for..a perfect guy that fit the qualifications..
Then everything comes back to me..I wonder how my bf looks like in future ( as I dun have any candidates right now ).will he fits the qualifications?i dunno..and I dun brave enough to think of it..I'm too afraid...that he doesnt fit the qualifications...I'm afraid to see my families disappointed faces...and that makes my pressure bigger and bigger...till my headache comes and i feels like crying soon! I dunno why..I just knew I've been so sensitive these days.
I wish to get one asap..I dun feels like happy with my life now.I knew I got some friends that I could hang out with..every weekends...But every human also need a partner, right? I wonder how my life would be..with a bf around..will it be much more better?or even worse? I dunno. I just knew I saw lots of happiness on my cousins smile when she got one...
I saw happiness around me...and I wonder when will mine come...
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 09:27 0 comments
Friday, 11 June 2010
I wish you leave me...
I'm feeling bad today...Last day at office this week...I should be smiling right?
NOPE!! I was told to work OT by help those marketing thingy..Shittt!!
I'm so pissed off!!!I'm not happy with it..although I'll get high pay for OT, I still prefer to enjoy my weekend..releasing all stressing things I have...
I back home and only to find out my aunties were having their dinner...I joined them (Unwillingly).
I asked whether I got a car to drive tomorrow...Her answer was just too harsh..she said why should she be so troubled whether I got a car or not..Goshhh!!!I hate it soo..I told her I had to OT and if I dint get a car to drive, I wont go to office...Then after they heard what I said..They start badmouthing...saying I should go to office whether I dint get a car to drive.Should be at 7am tomorrow ( Work start on 9am+ actually)...I feel so irritated...Those depressing things I used to have, come again..I dun like how they take control of my life...It's My LIFE!!! I controlled my own life! Not them! Yet they really like to messed with me..saying what I should done and everything just should go as what they think and said..It's OK if I asked for an advice...But they dint care I ask it or not...they just bla..bla..bla....and I should do what they said! Sorry..I'm not a princess!!and I'm sicked of it!!
I went upstairs only to find out how my sister was so lazy....We did quarreled as I dint like how she likes to shout at me! Heyyy..!!I'm the eldest and She SHOULD Respect me!!! Godddd...
I went to bathroom and did cry for 5 minutes..Idk...I'm so stressed today...I feels like wanna run away from home..Where I could have my own what I want and like...and of course without anyone messed with my life..I dint have any freedom here..I'm sick...and I dunno how long it would last...
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:33 0 comments
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
They say..."Everybody deserve the best partner for their lives "....Is it True? I just realised that I never deserve the best for the word " Boy "...All comes were just not fit the
What's the qualifications then? Idk as well...It did change..just like season change..really..I myself also dunno what kind of qualifications fit me best...and that's the only reasons I still enjoy my single life..Not like some of my friends who choose to be in a relationship with someone out there...Or even got married in their early age..
I knew I'm not a Princess..who could pick any guy out there...But yess.."I'm that picky"...Its not easy for me to find my other half.I'm not like most people..who could just get into a relationship when they feel that the feels were just right..I'm not...I should be responsible to myself..I'm looking for a long relationship..that's why It's too difficult.really...My family's qualifications was too high as well..till I've ever think of letting them choose a guy for me..that suits them..and suits the qualifications..hahaa..I dunno whether I got the ability to choose my other half later in life..
Maybe some of you face this kind of problem..while some not...Did you laugh when you read this? " maybe "
What's the best solutions then? I know there will be no solutions...The only thing I could do was only...Hope..and prayyy!! lets...Hope and pray for me..
Even if later I got the worst guy ever, dont laugh at me for being too picky..maybe its just my destiny..But now...still hopeee and prayy..okay?I'll pray for all of you as well...for my friends.and for all who read this..may you get your other half as soon as possible!!
Best Regards...
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:05 0 comments
Friday, 21 May 2010
I knew I'm not the perfect person you're looking for...
From the history you've heard about me...
I knew...I'll never be the one...
Yet, I'm still too afraid...I'm too scared that one day..
I'd really fall for you...
That's called "insanity", huh?
Just by discussing something about you...
We're once afraid..that we'd fall for you...
Is it real?
Maybe I should just stop this insanity..
Before I'd become really insane...and fall for you...
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 10:14 0 comments
Monday, 19 April 2010
First day....( 14th April 2010 )
Reached SG at 11+...Went to check in at the hotel then went out to shoppp(again) till late...Then I was back to hotel around nine...carrying my favourite pastamania,chic cutlets,sweet talks,and soooo mannnnyyyy things I bought at the time I started my dinner,Vin called me...We did chatted for such a long timee..gossipping and I told him what has happened currently...we gossipped till an hour plus then suddenly I felt itchiness all over my body...Goshhh!!I felt those itchiness on my neck during afternoon..and its all red..I stopped touching it and it became normal again..But why those itchiness come again?at night?all over my body?Goshhh...I told Vin that I'm gonna take a bath and would call him later...I really wish that after bath, those itchiness would stop...but what happened was...My face became all red when I started to wash off my make upp..OMG...My Convocation is Tomorrowww!!!How can I go with a face like that?after taking bath, I got myself changed and I went to hospital...which was luckily near to my hotel...It's 10.30pm and I went to the emergency room...I saw a doctor...he initially was about to give me an injection with high dose but he was so shocked when he found out that I'm going to hospital alone..without no one accompany me...He then give me an injection which was less drowsy..then I went back to hotel...on my way back, I called Vin and we still chatted till my Mom arrived hotel...We did laughed with the fact that my first day in SG was ended in hospital...LOL...
Second day...( 15th April 2010 )
I'm feeling good that day...Going to SIM at 10 after picked Renny up at Paragon...We waited for our friends in Bsc. Accounting n Finance...Their Convocation was in morning...After their ceremony, We took lots of photographs....It was FUN!!!to have gathering with lots of UNi-Friends...taking lots of photosss....
Then It's the time when I found out everything was a lie..WTF with going to sg on 10th april?All was a LIE! A Big LIE!!!GOshhhhh....I've been fooled for almost a year...GOddd!!
MY grads ceremony was at noon...and it started at 3pm...I got asleep during the ceremony....IT was sooo boringgg!!!!Then it ended at 4pm plus...I met up with Vin and Mike....I did told them to give me that UOL doll...and they really bought that!lol..Vin's said that he firstly think of buying that doll for me but he was afraid that I already got one...The doll was so cute..and I loved it sooo..We did take lots of picturess..all gradution thing ended at 6pm plus and I got back to hotel...We then went to Wisma Atria and had our dinner...
Third dayy...( 16th April 2010 )
My mom got an appointment for check up that day..and we went to hospital...I also saw a doctor which was specialised in cough and respiratory...I got cough for few months already...
After all those check up thingy, we then had our lunch at Din Dai Fung...I love the fried rice so muchhhh....We went to Bugis after lunch and shopped so much things there...
Fourth Day...( 17th April 2010 )
It's Universal Studio's Dayyy....!!!(Another Post)
Fifth Day....(18th April 2010 )
My last day in SG...My mom Bought me an IPhone..for my graduation gift....(Thanks mom!)...We then shopped bought lots of things...and our luggage were so heavy like hell when we back medan..hahaaaaaa....
It was quite an unique holiday..starting from having an allergy,end up in hospital,convocation,Uss...and those shopping thinggss!!!I'm gonna miss these days I spent in SG!
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:35 2 comments
Monday, 12 April 2010
Days to Another Holiday...
It's been a week since I back here...I've been soooo busy these days till I dint have time to update my blog....
First of holiday....hmmm...all goes like what I expected...and it's an unforgettable holiday! Feels like crazy the first time we go club..hahaaa..but it was fun...and a day with Vin was also sooo funnnn....We went out from 11am to 2am...15 hours..sounds crazy, isnt it?hehehhhh...
I bought lots of things there..and planned to continue my shopping the next two days...when I go back to SG againnn..It's Convocation!you know?We'll have so much fun by going back to our universityy....
But one thing that I'm so curious..The thing that I'll definitely find out during convocation...and the answer will be revealed at that time...If it really was a lie...I'll feel that I'm the most idiot person on earth...being lied by someone for so longgg....and it was definitely a very long lie-story...I'm still hoping it wasn't a lie...I'm still hoping for the best...
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 07:22 0 comments
Monday, 29 March 2010
What to do in SG? I've planned it with Vin...hahaaa...
First day....
Gonna arrive in Sg around 11 and reached "home" around 12 or more..then I'll have my lunch with Vin at either Al Ameen or Boon Tong Kee or whatever delicious there..hohoooohhh....After lunch, I'll go to Serangon Broadway with " The Girls" to take our graduation gown and trencher...We have make appointment at three...We'll back home after taking the gown and back to Orchard for SHOPPINGGG!!!I'm soooo looking forward to shop , shop and shopp till dropp!!hahaaa...
After all those shopping things, We'll back home again..for shower, make up and we'll dressed ourselves like crazy as we'll go out for a drink that nightttt at Clark Quayyy!!!Expect to get home at 2 or 3...
Second Day....
Meet up with Vin around 10 or 10.30...We'll head to Vivocity..arrive there around 11 or more...We'll have our lunch at "Carnivore"...some kind of " all-you-can-eat thing"....From Carnivore, we go to casinoooo!!!yeapppp...I've been so curious about casinooo!!!and its time to gooo..hahaaa....We'll move to Orchard in the eveninggg..we'll have our dinner and have planned to watch a midnite moviee...a HK moviee....From movies, we'll have our supper at teo chew porridge near our house!cool, huh? bet I'll definitely lose all my energy when I back Medan..LOL..
Last Day....
Plan to wake up early...Meet up with Vin and go to Bugis temple and shopp again there...I'll buy lots of dresses and Bags thereeee...hehehhhh...I'll definitely eat all things that I wanttt..Afterwards,I'll back home and get ready to the airport at 4...early right?cause we planned to shop in the airport...the perfume and cosmetics are far more cheaper in the airport...
Arrive in Medan and get ready if my mom get angry with lots of the things I buy!!hahahaaa...
Happy Holidayyy...Hope these things goes on smoothlyyy and this perfect holiday remains as what I expected!
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 06:28 0 comments
Taken For Granted?
What'll you do when you come to realised that you have been taken for granted by your own friend?That's how I felt few days agoo...and it DID pissed me offf!!!
After all the text I sent with no reply....
I realised that she has been so busy with her "new friends" back then..
It's OK for me..
Then she finally text me when her "new friends" are busy...
Dunno what to doo...
She told me that she got so much things to told me..
then I ask her out for a drink as we haven't gathered for weeks..
But I've never imagine what I got...It's the same againnnn...No reply....S***!!!
Never take me for granted, my dear friend....
You never know how it feels like if you were me....
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 06:09 0 comments
Friday, 19 March 2010
I'm going SG twice next month since I have to picked up my graduation gown and trencher this 2nd April..I'm damn happy when I realised that I got more time in Sg...I'm going on 2nd and going back on 4th..Got 2 days to spend there since I only go to pick the gown..
Jil called me two days confirmed my visits this upcoming 2nd April...and she asked me "wanna go out for a drink at clark quay?"
Of course I say Yes!
It is something we always wanna do when we were still in university...and now we'll really go there...for a drink,beer or something..I'm so looking forward to those days I'll spend in SG!
I've planned to meet up with Vin on the second which will be 3rd Aprill..and we'll spend a day together like how we used to be when I was in university...I miss it soo...
We used to meet up at Orchard 11pm..Enjoying the "Paris Buffet" till 3pm..Continue to movies,Chatting at Starbucks, find something to eat for dinner and again..continue gossiping till late at Esplanade till we missed the bus and train...hahaaa!!Missed that time so much!
I'm gonna find back my freedom...flashbacks all happy memories that ever happened in my life over there...I miss it...and I'm gonna treasure every moments I spend in SG!
I'm so ready for HOLIDAYYY!!!
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:50 0 comments
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Convooo... Convoooo...!!!
Convocation Confirmed!It's on 15th April 2010!!!
I'm soooooooo looking forward to it...Where I could back to sg...flashback all good things that ever happened in my life...Lol...Plan to go on 14th and will back to reality on Sunday 18th!
and here's the list of what I should do there...:
1. Eat...Eat...Eat....!!! ( It's a MUST Thingy....!) Fish n Co, Din Dai Fung, Imperial, Paris, HK Cafe, Cafe d' Cartel, Modesto, Ichiban Sushi, Burger King, Mos Burger, Chic Cutlet till SIM's Food Courts "Ban Mian " and Megabites ! such a very long list of what I should eat in SG!Till I'm so afraid that I dint have enuf time to eat all things there!
2. Drink...Drink..Drink..!!! I'm so missing the Milk Tea from " Sweet Talk "..Couldn't find any milk tea that taste better than that...also White Chocolate Dream from Coffee Bean, and some hot lattes from Gloria Jeans...!!
3. Shop...Shop..Shop!!! ( Far East, Takashimaya, Bugis, Cityhall, Marina Square, Ion, and sooo onnn)... I'm dying for the thing called shopping since I dint get anything I want here...( Can you imagine how I couldn't find an " Eye Make Up Remover " in SOGO...all unavailable...and I'm feeling like yelling at that time!I'm so pissed off!!!) I'm gonna buy some Bobby Brown n MAC Cosmetics , Charles n Keith and Mphosis Shoes, Dressess, and sooo onnn....
4. Friends....! It's gonna be a big reunion when we're back to University...It's Convocation! gonna be a happy and sad things for us..Since We got such a small chance to meet other friends from other country...
5. Movies! (This maybe a bit irrational...But I really miss Cineplex "PopCorn"...LOL...)
6. Sentosa Island....! I've been watching some advertisement about how the Casino has opened for tourist and also the Universal Studios! I'm so curious about it!
7. Pictures! I'm gonna take so many pictures in Sg!since this is like the last time I'll go there in an identity of a Sg Student!hehee...
I'm gonna share everything here where I'm back to reality!So curious and dying for it!
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 08:13 0 comments
Monday, 22 February 2010
Once Again...
My cousin's going to further her make up studies in Sg this upcoming May!
I wanna go with her!hahaaa...But its impossible...
I'm now still in contract with my working company...and it ends this September...
I'm still wondering what to do then..continue working in the same company or look for another job...
Actually I want to do another job...really need some creativity in jobs..and not doing those monoton things every day!
There's a part of me that wants go back Sg...
Enjoying every seconds of my happiness and freedom there..
I'm missing it...
Missing every moments I spent there for the past 3 years...
I wanna feel it once again...If I could..
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:36 0 comments
Monday, 8 February 2010
We were having our Lunch Break these afternoon...
Enjoying my lunch with some female collages..
Listening to those jokes and gossips about boys around..and about themselves as well..
I realized that they always have someone who they can share everything with...
Their old friends from high matter how their friends are married or in a relationship with a guy out there...
I'm feeling so lonely every time I saw them calling their friends when they have nothing to do...
Or the other way round...
I'm so jealous..really..
The thing I found here....Since September,When my best friends back to university..
is only..Loneliness...and Emptiness...
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 06:36 0 comments
Saturday, 6 February 2010
I'm feeling so depressed to spend my sat nite at home...
I dint feel right...
dunno what to do...waste of time...
It feels good when I went out with friends like what I always did..
But too bad they're having some problems today..
All unhappiness things come across my mind...
Maybe I'm the one who's been so sensitive these days..
I dunno...
I'm feeling like I'm going crazy soon...really soon...
Its been so different with what happened yesterday..
I went out with friends..
Watching "The spy next door" which has been really out-to-date...
We watched the 9pm one..
Out from theater at 11 and continue to MW till 12am+...
I enjoyed it so...
Cause it's rare for us to reunite like that..
Continue to my cousins house and we chatted till morning..
Got not enough sleep..
But I'm so damn happy...
It's really funny how my mood changed so quickly..
Wish I could back to the one I should be...
With no-more depressed things on my mind...
I'm tired of it...
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:53 0 comments
Is It so hard for you just to inform us about that sudden information?
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 05:43 0 comments
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Everything does change..
There's something weird between us..
But I don't even know what was that..
I can just pretend everything's fine...
Like there's nothing really matter between us...
Though deep inside my heart..
I'm still not used to it...
There's nothing called fun times when we're together..
Feels so empty..
Somethings missing..
But I believe that as long as I try to get used to it..
Everything'll be fine..
Posted by Mademoiselle_Blog at 06:50 0 comments